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EU Projects - Лемна Екоинвест

For each activity is referred to the example of the best European practices and their effective implementation.

2016 year

Procedure "Selection with a public invitation" for the choice of a subject executor (contractor):

Supply of equipment for the purposes of project BG16RFOP002-2.001-1050-S01 "Supply of gas chromatograph with triple quadrupole mass spectrometer, with facilities and equipment for the extraction and sample preparation", financed by the Operational Program "Innovation and Competitiveness " 2014-2020, financed by the European Union (EU) through the European Regional Development Fund.
The contract activity includes implementing:
- Supply, installation, testing, staff training and commissioning of the gas chromatograph with triple quadrupole mass spectrometer, with facilities and equipment for the extraction and sample preparation. The transmission of the machine to the Contracting Authority under the terms of the offer for choice of contractor according to a procedure with public invitation which is an integral part of this contract.
Документи за участие: (изтеглете документи в PDF формат: )
Въпроси и отговори относно публичната покана: (отворете в PDF формат: )

Procedure "Selection with a public invitation" for the contractor with subject:

Supply of equipment for the project BG16RFOP002-2.001-1050-S01 "Improving the production capacity of Lemna Ecoinvest- Bulgaria JSC", financed by the Operational Program "Innovations and Competitiveness", financed by the EU through the European Regional Development Fund.
Defined positions:
- №1: Purchase of 1 pc. reactor-mixer (compatibility 10 m3), corrosion resistant material, with an aeration system for stirring via compressor with low pressure and boiler for heating the water for the reactor. Included is delivery, installation, training and commissioning;
- №2: Purchase of a centrifugal pump for hydrochloric acid and aluminum oxychloride (turnover 20 m3 / h). The material used for the make of the pump is corrosion-resistant with three-phase electrical engine and a delivery head 20 mWC – 2pc and Barrel pump for hydrochloric acid (36% solution) made of corrosion resistant material. It also has electrical engine which provides 5 m3 / h flow and pressure height of 7 m/s, the length of each pump tube (2 pc.) is 1200 mm. Included is installation and commissioning.
№3: Purchase of diesel forklift with capacity of 3000 kg Lifting height - 4 m, mast with Simplex system. Included is delivery, installation and commissioning.
Документи за участие: (изтеглете документи в PDF формат: )
Project BG16RFOP002-2.001-1050 with a name “Improving the production capacity of Lemna Ecoinvest- Bulgaria JSC” a procedure for granting financial assistance. BG16RFOP002-2.001 "Improved production capacity in SMEs" funded by the European Regional Development Fund of the EU through the Operational Program "Innovation and Competitiveness " 2014-2020.
Информация за сключен договор: (изтеглете документи в PDF формат: )

2015 year

PROJECT BGO5M90PO01- 1.2014.001-C0001 “New opportunity for youth employment” of Lemna Ecoinvest - Bulgaria JSC with registration number of the contract M3-2-02-02-869#5. The project is implemented with the financial support of Operational Program "Development of the Human Resources", co-financed by the European Social Fund of the EU.
Информация за сключен договор: (изтеглете документи в PDF формат: )

2014 year

PROJECT BG051PO001- BG051PO001-1.1.13-0026 „New working space" of "Lemna Ecoinvest - Bulgaria" JSC with the registration number of the contract ESF-1113 – 02-02001 is implemented with the financial support of Operational Programme „Human Resources Development”, cofinanced by the European Social Fund of the European Union.