2013 year
PROJECT BG051PO001- BG051PO001-2.3.02-0252-C0001 „“New opportunity for youth employment” of Lemna Ecoinvest - Bulgaria JSC with registration number of the contract M3-2-02-02-869#5. The project is implemented with the financial support of Operational Program "Development of the Human Resources", co-financed by the European Social Fund of the EU.
Operational Programme for Transnational Cooperation South East Europe 2007-2013"
Operational Programme „Development of the Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy” 2007-2013
Project №ЗМС-02-3/01.06.2011-“Increasing of the competitiveness of "Lemna Ecoinvest - Bulgaria" JSC by covering the international standarts BS EN ISO 9001:2008 and BS EN ISO 14001:2005”, with a beneficiary - "Lemna Ecoinvest - Bulgaria" JSC is implemented with the financial support of Operational Programme "Development of the Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy" 2007-2013, cofinanced through European Fund for Regional Development and from the national budget of Bulgaria.